65 Years of Stem Cell Transplantation - Saving Lives With Living Cells

In 1957, Edward Donnall Thomas reported the first successful bone marrow transplant on a patient. Fast forward to the last few decades we see the rate at which the quality of these transplantations has increased. Different factors need to be considered to make a transplantation successful. One of the critical steps is the precise enumeration of viable CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells.

In this seminar, Ben Hedley, our renowned guest speaker, will give an overview about different international guidelines and standards for stem cell enumeration and why it is so critical to follow a strict process for handling hematopoietic stem cells for a successful transplantation. He will also share some insights into the latest clinical study he conducted in partnership with Beckman Coulter Life Sciences.

Furthermore, Andreas Böhmler, Director of Strategic Marketing for Clinical Solutions at Beckman Coulter Life Sciences, will introduce the company’s new automated walk-away solution for clinical CD34+ stem cell enumeration, the AQUIOS STEM System.

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Characteristics of a solution for the identification and quantification of CD34+ hematopoietic progenitor cells that addresses the requirements of today’s clinical laboratories (based on quantitative market research):

  • Hardware, software and reagents shall be IVD and follow the ISHAGE guidelines.
  • Automated software, but with the ability to adapt panels to sample types and lab needs, without losing IVD status.
  • Automated sample preparation and subsequent analysis in one platform.
  • QC concept with reagent tracking and barcode identification of specimen, patient ID and reagents.
  • Multi-level process controls that encompass clinical decision levels.
  • A platform that can be run by minimally trained operators.

Learn how AQUIOS STEM addresses these requirements
