Biomek NGeniuS 70 µL Tips, Conductive, Filtered, 3840 Tips 10 Racks/Box, Case

Product No:C62712

Next Generation Library Preparation

Biomek NGeniuS 70 µL tips enable small volume transfers such as samples and indices.

  • Maximum volume 70 µL
  • Conductive
  • Filtered
  • DNase/RNase free*
  • DNA (human & mouse) free*
  • Pyrogen & Endotoxin free*

*Bio-certification “free of” claims are defined as the lower limit of detection based on the sensitivity of the test method or instrumentation used.

The Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System is a liquid handler that runs any number of samples from 4-24 and carries the hardware and software components to automate multiple steps in NGS library preparation workflow including thermal cycling, cleanup and normalization.


Platform Biomek NGeniuS
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