Accelerating answers
With a legacy dating back to 1935, we continue our ongoing mission to help a diverse variety of experts discover answers to some of life’s most important questions. Wherever people need answers that matter, you can find reliable technologies from Beckman Coulter Life Sciences.
Fresh insights
Research Flow Cytometry
Accelerate cell analysis with innovative resolution and high sensitivity!
IgG Quantification
''Valita Titer IgG Antibody Quantification Assay Microplate'' measures IgG concentration in a short time within 15 minutes
Acoustic Liquid Handler
Non-contact & high-precision micro-dispensing machine with a minimum capacity of 2.5nL
Clinical Flow Cytometry
Flow cytometer that performs lymphocyte subset testing easily and quickly
Lab Automation
Untangle the Complexities of Proteomics with Lab Automation.
Genomics Sample Prep
DNA/RNA extraction/purification and size selection "SPRI magnetic bead reagent"
Don't you judge centrifugal efficiency based on maximum speed or capacity?
Fermentation Microbioreactors
microbial fed-batch culture for 32 flasks using just one microplate!
Popular topics
Research, applications & techniques
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Service & technical support
Our comprehensive services and highly trained experts can help you keep your equipment and lab running at peak performance. From flexible service plans to remote solutions and more, you can count on Beckman Coulter Life Sciences to be there when you need us.
Service ->Service plans
Get the peace of mind you deserve. Our comprehensive service plans help minimize downtime and keep your instrument performing at peak efficiency.
Preventive maintenance
With most modern technologies, the likelihood of experiencing problems—even product failure—increases with long-term use. Your laboratory instruments are no exception.
Instrument qualification & calibration
Combine expert installation and equipment qualification services to ensure the highest operational performance for your compliance needs.
Request service
Certified support specialists are expertly trained to identify, isolate, and resolve even the most technically complex issues over the phone.
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A Leader in Life (and Science)
Learn more about career opportunities, corporate responsibility, and our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
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